Assisted Pullups

How To Do Assisted Pullups; 5 Easiest Exercise

Looking for the assisted pullups at home? But for that, you have to understand about pullups. Pullups are the advanced exercise of your upper body to provide strength to the muscles. It is mostly included in the muscle training exercises.

Assisted PullUps

Although it is included in muscle training, it means that it is not easy to do. So, here comes assisted pullups. You can do assisted pullups with the assistance of the bands and many other machines.

Assisted pullups are not of one type. There are many types of assisted pullups which you can do by little variation. For example, by bands, by assisting a partner, or by a chair, etc.

How To Do Assisted Pullups?

There are many ways to do assisted pullups but, we are here to tell you the 5 easiest ways. Let’s have a look.

1. Assisted Pullups By Band

If you are new at pullups, this exercise helps you to get a proper posture. It will build up strength and improve your stability. All you need is a band of high resistance. Once you will be done with the high resistance, change it to the lighter resistance band gradually.

Steps To Follow:

  1. Straight your arms as you lower down your body and bend your knees. Maintain this position.
  2. Loop a resistance band around the bar to create a hanging loop.
  3. Grip the pull-up bar with the hands slightly wider than shoulders.
  4. Place either your knees or feet in the band.
  5. Raise your body as high as you can.
  6. Slowly come back to the starting position.

2. Reverse Pull-Up

This assisted pull-up exercise helps you to improve the grip and also provides strength to the hinder muscles. When you will get used to it, stay for more time when you come to the lower position. This will increase the difficulty level and will provide more strength to the muscles.

Steps To Follow:

  1. Straight your arms as you lower down your body and bend your knees. Maintain this position.
  2. Jump up, bring your body in the upper direction so that your chin is just above the bar.
  3. Bring your body back to the starting position.

3. Assisted Pullups By Partner

This assisted pull-up exercise helps you to improve the grip and also provides strength to the muscles. It will also improve the balance in your body.

Assisted Pullups

Steps To Follow:

Benefits of assisted pullups

Assisted pullups provide strength to your body and perfect your movement and body posture.

As regular pullups are not easy to do. But these variations will also provide benefits to you. Not the same strength as regular pullups, but you’ll still be gaining strength and targeting the same muscles. Also, it will help you in

  • building grip strength
  • improving your stability
  • perfecting posture

HP Thoughts: You need to have good breathing control if you want to excel in the above-mentioned exercise! Read our post to have an idea how yoga could help you muster your breathing — Yoga Poses.


Pullups are a very important exercise, but not easy to do. For that, assisted pullups work. To strengthen your muscles, maintain body balance, improves posture.

You can also add them to your regular exercise routine. Assisted pullups can be done with the assistance of bands, machines, or partners.

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