The Covid-19 Pandemic has been no less than a shock for everyone around the globe. Not only has it drastically affected our way of living, but it has also significantly altered business operations and strained the healthcare system.
The entire global healthcare industry had to put everything on hold and figure out how to fight this potentially fatal virus. After a lot of research, effort, and collateral damage, specific strategies proved effective. These were immediately put to action to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.
Even though research is still under process, it is worth discussing the current findings. Read below to find out about the strategies that helped the healthcare sector control the pandemic.
Zero to minimal human interaction
The first and foremost policy was to impose strict measures of social distancing. Doctors and health experts found out that because the novel coronavirus is highly contagious, it is best to limit human interaction as much as possible.
Under the social distancing policy, no more than a limited number of people were allowed together. Everyone had to keep a strict 6ft distance when in public. Moreover, all public spaces such as restaurants, parks, museums, schools, etc., closed down temporarily. Many countries implemented lockdowns with strict restrictions and curfews to limit public gatherings.
Mandatory masks and PPE
Another policy that officials immediately put to action was the mandate of wearing masks and other PPE equipment. While facemasks were mandatory for the general public, only healthcare professionals wore PPEs because they were in direct and constant contact with potential carriers.
With time, more and more online retailers like started designing these PPE costumes primarily because of the growth in demand. Many companies also introduced funkier and different designs to attract more customers.
PPEs and N95 respirators were essential for worker safety and support in isolation centers, hospitals, and clinics. Several governments also distributed masks and other PPEs free of cost to encourage all residents to abide by the safety protocol.
Travel bans and mandatory quarantine
Many countries imposed strict restrictions on coming in and out of the country. While some entirely shut travel temporarily, some allowed visitors but with a mandatory 14-day quarantine. Several countries also asked all districts to close all borders and only allow specific individuals with entry and exit permits to pass through.
Although it’s considerably difficult to compare the impact of travel bans vs. other response measures, several studies showed that travel restrictions proved to be highly effective.
Use of technology to fight Covid-19
Almost all healthcare sectors around the globe made use of technology to combat the novel coronavirus. Hospital staff and doctors started taking appointments and consultancy sessions online instead of in person. It helped reduce the number of patients coming to the hospital and other medical facilities substantially.
Telephonic communication was higher than ever. Several doctors and consultants also started giving free online advisory and consultancy sessions. Video conferencing sites like Zoom, Meet, and Skype gained immense popularity amongst healthcare workers and patients.
Many countries also created a standard hotline number to report any Covid-related or other medical emergencies.
Media related campaigns to spread awareness
There was a mass influx of awareness campaigns and information about Covid-19 through the internet, television, and radio. Medical experts utilized these platforms to explain the ongoing situation, followed by a supportive and reassuring message. Repetitive advertisements about protective measures were run and shown.
Regulatory bodies put billboard advertisements, social media ads, and many others to help spread awareness. They aimed to spread a message about the cruciality of the situation and the urgency to control the virus. These measures resulted in more people taking charge of their health and following SOPs.
Speeding research to develop vaccines
Perhaps the most effective strategy to combat the virus was the development of vaccines. Introducing a vaccine for a deadly infection is not an easy task. It’s time-consuming and requires a lot of research to avoid any health hazard. However, due to Covid-19’s highly contagious effect and the rampant growth in technology, health organizations introduced a vaccine in less than one year. Probably the quickest any vaccine has ever been made.
Not one but several countries developed their vaccines with variance in each’s efficacy rate. Officials claimed these vaccines to be safe, secure, and effective against Covid-19. They potentially keep you from getting and spreading the virus and getting majorly sick after contracting Covid.
HP Thoughts: Social media has proven itself as a reliable channel for information dissemination. Learn how this avenue helps healthcare organizations update people from all over the world — Social Media for Public Health Awareness.
The current pandemic is probably the most alarming situation ever, not only for healthcare officials but for everyone. It is the tensest era one has ever seen. Millions of people succumbed to this deadly infection while hundreds of thousands went on life-support.
Work-from-home, following SOPs, social distancing, and getting vaccinated were the primary strategies that helped control the pandemic exponentially. Countries slowly began to notice their economies reviving and things getting back to normal. Even though Covid-19 hasn’t come to an end, the health sector is now much more well-versed at handling emergencies and outbreaks. However, while the health sector has substantially mitigated the spread of the virus, it alone can’t do much. Government regulations and public support are equally required.