Nutrition Myths

Four Common Food And Nutrition Myths

The pandemic outbreak has changed our outlook on various things, but health is undoubtedly the most important. We are now more conscious of our health than ever before, and everyone wants to live a healthy life, safe from any diseases. However, as the saying goes, ‘little knowledge is very dangerous, we might fall prey to a lot of misinformation on the internet.

Many nutrition-related myths can do us a lot of harm and prevent us from leading a healthy, fulfilling life. Before you start following any diet plan, you must look into the veracity of the claims. However, if you find it hard to distinguish the truth from the lies, don’t fret. Below, we’ve debunked some of the most common food and nutrition myths out there.

Anyone can go on a diet.

Diet culture is one of the most popular trends dominating the health sphere these days. Easy internet access means that we can view various health plans and diets, all of which promise stellar results. These diets focus on exclusion, or some referring to eliminate carbs, solid foods, fatty foods, or could be anything else from your diet. However, what most people overlook is that no diet operates on a one-size-fits-all principle. Everyone has different nutritional requirements, which you need to assess before starting any diet.

Getting in touch with a nutritionist is the best way of assessing your nutritional needs. An RD or a dietician can help you plan a diet to help you reach your health goals in the best way. Furthermore, a dietician can help you plan a schedule that you can easily stick to for long-lasting results. You can also get virtual nutrition counseling with an RD and have a personalized diet plan for the best results.

Only sweet potatoes are healthy.

When it comes to picking healthy foods, white potatoes get a lot of bad rep. Their sweeter counterpart, on the other hand, is heralded as an excellent addition to your diet, even if you’re looking to lose weight. However, when we think of regular or white potatoes, we usually imagine them to be nothing more than empty calories, with little or no nutritional value. This assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. White potatoes are excellent sources of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C and a healthy way to add more bulk to your diet. They’re incredibly filling and can help you stay full for a much more extended period than rice or pasta.

Fries are the most popular food item made with potatoes and are undeniably unhealthy. As we know, having any food in excess is detrimental to your health, so portion control is always a good option. So, when adding potatoes to your diet, be sure to control your intake and have them boiled or roasted for a healthy, fulfilling, and delicious meal.

A low-calorie diet is healthy.

A big part of weight loss is cutting down on your calories to create a caloric deficit. If you’re consuming lesser calories than you’re expending, you’re bound to lose weight. However, consuming too few calories can have long-term health drawbacks for you, and it isn’t healthy in any way. Cutting back on calories can alter your metabolism and change your body’s hormonal balance.

If you’re following a low-calorie diet, you might notice that you initially drop weight incredibly fast. However, after the initial pounds, you’ll have trouble dropping any more weight. Instead, you can expect to experience frequent hunger pangs, coupled with mood swings and feelings of irritability. Sticking to a low-calorie diet also makes you prone to binging, which can give rise to guilty feelings later. Losing weight or staying in shape doesn’t have to mean consistently denying yourself and feeling guilty when you indulge. Instead, it’s about maintaining a healthy balance and eating the right things.

Dietary supplements are essential.

Over the years, we’ve seen a remarkable rise in the popularity of dietary supplements of all kinds. Initially, these supplements were used primarily by people into fitness to give their bodies the necessary definition. Nowadays, supplements are a vital part of even the average person’s diet. A common idea fueling the rise of supplements is that our food isn’t as nutritious as it once was. So, most people resort to adding a variety of supplements to their diet in the hopes of keeping their bases covered. However, there are several drawbacks to this approach.

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Most multivitamins often have an abundance of nutrients that a healthy diet could easily give you, with a low concentration of the ones you need. Furthermore, taking a supplement on top of your diet can give you a concentration of certain minerals, damaging your health. Instead of focusing on taking pills, try to adjust your diet to include the nutrients you feel you’re missing out on. Furthermore, if you think that a supplement is essential, be sure to get a doctor’s advice before committing to taking expensive supplements.

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Leading a healthy life isn’t about depriving yourself of the food you love but maintaining a healthy balance. You want to keep your mind and your body satisfied to boost your life quality. Although there are many food and nutrition myths, these are just a few of the most prevalent ones that impact people’s lives. Before you get on board with any trend, it’s essential to do your research, especially if it pertains to your health.

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