Thanks to the Internet, information about what we eat has become more widely available than ever before. This access to information means that getting and staying healthy is easier, giving consumers more control over what they choose to add to their diets.
The boom in popularity of health and wellness is a testament to this, with Forbes reporting that consumers are spending more on their exercise, sleeping habits, recovery, and nutrition.
A new focus on health and wellness has also prompted more people to explore food and diets that are more nutritious. In an article about ‘Moringa Tea: Benefits And Side Effects’, for example, we talked about how moringa tea’s health benefits have contributed to its popularity.
Today, we’ll talk about another green that’s been taking the world by storm: wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass: An Overview
Wheatgrass is the name for the young grass of the common wheatplant. Wheat can grow in many regions all over the world, usually thriving in temperatures from 21°C to 30°C.
Wheatgrass itself is relatively easy to grow and harvest at home, taking around 6 to 10 days before the grass is ready to be cut. Once harvested, the wheatgrass can be eaten raw in salads or other dishes, juiced into smoothies or shakes, or dried and ground into powder.
Why Wheatgrass?
Despite its somewhat humble origins, wheatgrass can be an especially powerful addition to any diet. Many consider wheatgrass to be a superfood, given its incredible range of health benefits and nutritional value.
Mayo Clinic reports that wheatgrass is rich in nutrients, including iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and amino acids.
Even when taken in supplement form, Brightcore states that wheatgrass can benefit your body in several different ways. It can boost your energy and lessen fatigue, provide your body with much-needed antioxidants and enzymes, as well as help treat acidity.
Because it’s packed with essential nutrients, wheatgrass can also help support your immune system and strengthen your hair, skin, and nails, making it a valuable nutritional all-rounder in any diet.
How Can You Add Wheatgrass to Your Diet?
Because of wheatgrass’ many benefits, it can be a powerful part of any daily diet. Like many greens, it can be blended into a juice or smoothie for a quick and easy health boost. However, wheatgrass’s strong taste can make it pretty difficult to get used to for first-timers.
If you’re new to wheatgrass, you can try blending it with other fruits like Choc & Juice suggests. Fruits like banana and avocado will temper the taste, while also providing an added boost in terms of nutrition. It can also be mixed into salad dressings or dips if you want a fresher, greener taste for your dishes.
Harvested your wheatgrass but found that there’s too much of it to eat in one go? Leaf has a few recommendations for storing and preserving your wheatgrass so you can preserve its nutritional value.
Fresh wheatgrass does best when patted dry and stored in airtight bags or containers, and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Already made wheatgrass juice?
Simply freeze them into ice cubes and thaw for when you need them. This ensures that they’re fresh, safe to eat, and still as nutritionally powerful.
HP Thoughts: Have you considered purchasing another organic product aside from wheatgrass? If you did, do you know where to get them? Are you interested? Read our article for more information — Best Weed Delivery Service In Mississauga.