Celiac Disease Causes with Complete Guideline


Celiac disease is a chronic disease related to the gastrointestinal tract and results from an immune reaction to gliadin which is a gluten protein found in Barley, rice, wheat, and oat. Celiac disease causes the destruction of the mucosa of the small intestine and causes various small intestinal symptoms. The disease causes diarrhea, constipation, bloating, anemia, osteoporosis and currently there is no known cure for celiac disease and the only effective method to get rid of celiac disease is a gluten-free diet.


Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which the immunity is hyperactive and when it missense its own cells and attacks the cells. There is always host susceptibility which causes celiac disease. The gluten component of the disease is the main celiac disease cause. Gluten is a substance that gives the bread chewy texture and dough the elastic texture. When you are suffering from celiac disease and you eat gluten protein the body responds system activates and damages villi which are small finger like projection from the small intestine wall.

8 Major Celiac Disease Symptoms and Complete Overview

Celiac disease causes the destruction of villi and decreases absorption capacity. When the villi are destroyed the small intestine cannot absorb the nutrients from food and it eventually leads to malabsorption syndrome, decreased bodyweight, decreased bone density, increased risk of miscarriage, and cancer.

Causes of Celiac Disease

there variety of the disease causes but the exact celiac disease causes are yet unknown. Scientists are still in search to get a proper disease cause but there is no proper research for a definite cause of disease. There is 1 in 3000 births for the incidence of developing celiac disease.

  • The Idiopathic Disease Causes:

Celiac disease is idiopathic in nature. this is one of the primary celiac disease causes and the cause for it is not yet known. Scientists are still in Quest to find out definitive disease causes.

  • Gluten Exposure:

Gluten exposure is one of the major causes of celiac disease. The gluten is a protein present in the diet and is present in wheat, Barley, oats, rye, broth, soups, stocks and seasoning items. When a person is taking gluten for which he is allergic, gluten causes the immune reaction inside the body which is the major disease cause.

  • First Degree Relatives:

Celiac disease has a hereditary tendency. Hereditary factors are one of the major disease causes. it means if one or more family member is affected the disease is likely to occur in another family member as well. There is one and 10 chance for a sibling being affected if the family member is affected. up to 5% of first is relatives have symptomatic celiac disease and 10% have asymptomatic damage to Small intestinal mucosa

  • Stressful Events:

Stressful life events like infection are one of the celiac disease causes. Viral infections are one of the causes of the most common disease which include pharyngitis or influenza. Surgery is a stressful condition and is one of the disease causes as it renders the body under stress and destroys the body’s normal physiological mechanism. Trauma is one of the celiac disease factors. This trauma can either be accidents, fall from a height, animal bites or surgical trauma

  • Pregnancy:

Pregnancy is one of the disease causes. Pregnancy renders the body under stress and this stressful mechanism initiates and activates the body’s immune system. When the body’s immune system is active overly, it may Trigger immune reactions in genetically susceptible individuals. Hence, pregnancy is one of the major diseases cause.

  • Genetic Causes for Celiac Disease:

Genetics plays a vital role in disease causes. There is an increased tendency of celiac disease in a genetically susceptible host. HLA-DR3, HLA- DR4, DQW2, and B8 play a major role In celiac disease causes. HLA-DQ2 is a gene is present in 41% of your Europeans and is one of the major celiac disease causes in the European population. 15% population of South American patients is positive for HLA-DQ8 and is the major celiac disease cause in the South American population. Carrying the copy of genes of HLA-DQ8 and HLA-DQ2, one from each parent is one of the disease causes and increases the risk of you suffering from the disease.

The doctor may check the celiac disease causes by collecting genes from mouth secretions or any other secretions from cellular components of the body and test the samples in the laboratory. If the genes are positive for the disease, it means you have a genetic tendency to acquire the celiac disease, and you are labeled positive for celiac disease susceptible individuals.

  • Racial factors for celiac disease:

Celiac disease is common in some races and uncommon to others. Racial Celiac disease causes are mostly seen in Caucasians. 40% of Europeans are said to be disease positive and 10% of South Americans are positive for celiac disease.

  • Humoral and T cell immune responses:

Humoral and cellular immune responses are celiac disease causes related to immunity. Intestinal damage results from T cell-mediated immune response to gliadin and as a result of immune reaction surface epithelial cells are destroyed and the villi which are finger like projections become blunted or flat. The brush border enzymes levels are also greatly decreased

  • Associated autoimmune diseases:

Associated autoimmune diseases like Diabetes mellitus type one, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren syndrome, IgA deficiency, Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and thyroid and liver diseases are one of the major causes of celiac disease. A person is prone to celiac disease if he suffers from another autoimmune disease as well.

  • Genetic diseases:

Celiac Disease Causes
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Down syndrome Turner syndrome and other chromosomal disorders are major disease causes. The person of down syndrome and Turner syndrome are more prone to develop the celiac disease as compared to normal children and individuals.


Celiac disease causes chronic diarrhea in patients. It results from intestinal sensitivity to the gliadin fraction of gluten from wheat and Barley. Celiac disease should be expected in any person with chronic diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal symptoms, weight loss,  muscular atrophy, anemia, and Rash called dermatitis herpetiformis. Above mentioned celiac disease causes should be prevented to cure the celiac disease and once it develops gluten-free diet and antibiotics are recommended for symptomatic control of the celiac disease.

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