Pranic healing - time to heal

Mark Lyttleton: Pranic Healing

Mark Lyttleton is an angel investor, philanthropist, and certified Pranic Healer. This article will take a closer look at what pranic healing is and how it helps participants to achieve better physical and psychological balance, energising and healing them and helping to restore both physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

Pranic healing is a highly evolved, non-touch complementary therapy that accelerates the body’s natural healing capabilities. It may be used as either a preventative measure or a restorative treatment, countering a variety of physical and psychological conditions.

Combining ancient energy techniques with modern science, pranic healing can be used to treat a full spectrum of minor and major illnesses, from the common cold to cancer, in many cases with outstanding results. It is particularly effective in combating:

  • Respiratory ailments, such as asthma, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and hay fever
  • Strokes and heart conditions
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Urinary infections and kidney stones
  • Menstruation and fertility problems
  • Chronic pain and fatigue
  • Joint problems
  • Injuries from accidents and sports
  • Hypertension and insomnia

In terms of psychological conditions, pranic healing can help alleviate symptoms of a range of conditions, including:

  • Phobias
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Autistic spectrum and ADHD disorders
  • Addictions
  • Anger management
  • OCD and compulsive behaviour
  • Self-harm
  • Eating disorders
  • Recovery from relationship breakdowns

Just as the physical body incorporates numerous physiological systems, for example, the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal systems, it also incorporates an energetic system that surrounds and penetrates the physical body – through which energy flows.

Today, people lead busy, fast-paced lives, with financial, family, and work commitments weighing heavily. Individuals are bombarded with negative emotions throughout the course of their day-to-day lives, including stress, anxiety, fear, and anger.

As a person processes these situations, these negative emotions can potentially trigger a stress reaction in the body, reducing energy levels and weakening the immune system. Mental or physical health conditions can arise as a result, each with its own unique energy pattern.

Medical tests are often unsuccessful at establishing the root cause of these health problems, which are subsequently labeled as psychosomatic or ‘stress-related.’ 

Although medications may ease the symptoms, without tackling the underlying cause, the health problem will persist. Common examples include fibromyalgia, migraines, shoulder and back pain, chronic fatigue, asthma, neck pain, and heart conditions.

Busy professionals and families are increasingly turning to pranic healing to treat a variety of injuries and emotional and physical conditions, improving lives by restoring health, wellbeing, calm, and clarity. 

Pranic healing has quickly established itself as one of the world’s fastest-growing complementary therapies, practiced in 126 countries today. This incredible technological breakthrough in the science of healing is increasingly being leveraged by doctors, nurses, psychologists, carers, and complementary therapists all over the world.

The Institute of Pranic Healing UK & Ireland was founded by Les Flitcroft, who received direct tuition from pranic healing’s modern-day founder, Master Choa Kok Sui. Today, pranic healing is a multi-level system of energy healing and spiritual development that incorporates the practices of Arhatic yoga. 

The Institute of Pranic Healing UK & Ireland presents a variety of courses and seminars, helping people to learn more about pranic healing practices as well as presenting a Pranic Therapist certification programme.

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