Emotional Trauma

How to Cope Emotional Trauma Caused By Medical Malpractice?

Any patient who visits a hospital with the utmost trust can face difficulties since it is not uncommon for a hospital to have a mishap while treating patients. Indeed, medical malpractice is one of the major concerns for anyone seeking quality care from doctors, be it for major surgery or childbirth. It often occurs when a doctor or medical staff neglects a patient’s symptoms and prescribes the wrong medication or deviates from the normal medical practice resulting in causing an injury to the patient.

Even today, medical malpractice is a significant concern for many people worldwide. According to recent statistics by the Medical Malpractice Center, approximately 15,000 to 19,000 lawsuits are held against doctors each year. Such practices cause not only physical damages but also pose significant financial burdens on patients and their families. It can further result in severe emotional distress. Perhaps, the patient may start feeling anxious, dissociated from the surroundings, and even experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Therefore, it is natural that anyone with severe trauma wants to heal from it. Through this article, we aim to help you cross this difficult period of your life. After all, everyone deserves to have a chance at living the life they want. Here’s how you can do this:

Look For a Lawyer

You deserve compensation for everything you went through, be it financial or emotional distress. Suppose your child developed Erb’s palsy, and you are sure that the child’s injury could have been prevented through a more diligent treatment. In that case, it is best to find a lawyer for this condition so that you’re able to build a strong case against the staff responsible for your loss. A suitable lawyer will guide you through the legal processes and help you gain financial compensation for your child’s treatment.

Emotional Trauma

Filing for a lawsuit may also provide you with the closure that you need. You wouldn’t feel guilty for not holding the hospitals accountable for their negligence.

Journal Your Thoughts

When facing emotional trauma, you may second guess yourself often. It is where a journal comes in handy. Through a journal, you can give light to everything you feel and help jot down your memory. This can be useful in attaining psychological treatment and will help you understand your situation better. It is natural to repress your thoughts, specifically when you feel anxious about something.

However, maintaining a journal will help you track your symptoms and identify emotions that hit you the hardest. Ultimately, you can establish the groundwork to build the path to your recovery.

Consider Therapy

A therapist can help you see your case from an objective point of view. These are the professionals that help you regain your mental peace. For them, your comfort matters more than getting immediate solutions. If you don’t want to visit their offices, they can always arrange a venue for you to meet, such as your house or any other place that you find comfortable.

Perhaps, no therapist will push you to relay your trauma. Instead, they will guide you through your emotional trauma and provide appropriate treatment to help you get back to a healthy life.

Try Exercising

Your mind and body both need to heal for your quick recovery. While you attend therapy sessions and journal your thoughts, don’t forget to exercise. You can start by doing light exercises depending on your physical conditions. It is worth mentioning that low to moderate-intensity exercises can reduce your stress and elevate your mood by releasing endorphins. It further improves your cardiovascular health, helps in weight loss, and develops greater flexibility and mobility. You can even hire a male nurse or a personal trainer to decide the best course of action for you.

Ask For Support

In many instances, you might need support other than that of your therapist. A sound support system not only helps you recover faster but lowers your burden from different stressors. It will help if you have people you can talk to and trust. This could be friends and family members. You may even join support groups and talk to people with similar experiences.

You will feel less lonely and more understood. You can also engage in social activities by attending small gatherings and allow yourself a change of scenery. Your mental health also needs a change in pace so you don’t feel trapped with your thoughts.


Helplessness is a common symptom when you have emotional trauma. If you wish to reclaim your strength and feel powerful, voluntary work is the best way to go. As a patient, you may be regarded as vulnerable in a hospital environment and powerless to prevent the incident from befalling you.

When you volunteer for different social causes, you become a source of strength for someone else. People may rely on you to take charge and guide them. This directly challenges the feeling of helplessness and makes you feel good. It will also motivate you to go out more and find more activities to engage in.

Wrap Up

Malpractices can happen at any time. However, in most cases, the malpractice can leave lasting side effects, mainly emotional trauma. There are numerous steps you can take to recover from the state of distress. Check into therapy and let a professional guide you. Also, hire a competent lawyer who can help you sue those responsible for your sufferings. Besides, it will help if you practice low to moderate exercise for your physical and emotional wellbeing. Find yourself a support system so that you never feel isolated. Surely, practicing these tips will help you cope with the emotional trauma without causing any further damage to your personal life.

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