Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease and by autoimmune we mean a disease in which the body attacks its own cells and cause the symptoms. The diet contains a gluten component which is a protein and it triggers the immune reaction inside the body in susceptible individuals and destroys the lining of the small intestine and to protect the Small intestinal mucosa from damage, a proper diet for celiac disease is to be given to patients. This gluten protein is present in Wheat, Rye, Barley, and somehow in oats as well and hence, causes symptoms of celiac disease.
There is currently no cure for celiac disease so a proper diet for celiac disease is given to lessen the chance of developing symptoms and complications. It may sometimes seem harder to avoid the gluten component of diet as the person cannot enjoy all the dietary products but a strict diet is required for symptomatic control of the celiac disease.
What Is Diet For Celiac Disease?
If You are a patient for the celiac disease you must follow strict compliance to the diet. the diet for a disease means a strict diet in which the gluten component of the diet is not present. The gluten is present in wheat, rye, and oats and people suffering from celiac disease will suffer complications if the gluten component is present in their diet.
There is atrophy of Villi of small intestine and hypertrophy of crypts, so the absorption mechanism of the body is destroyed and it leads to diarrhea, bloating, gas production, constipation, and osteoporosis. To prevent the symptoms and to control the complications of disease a strict diet is recommended. When one will take this proper diet, he will be protected from symptoms of celiac disease and complications.
Foods Included In Diet for Celiac Disease?
The following foods are recommended when you are suffering from the disease.
- CEREALS: a person suffering from celiac disease can eat any kind of cereals like corn, millet, rice, sorghum, quinoa, and wild rice.
- HERBS: diet includes Herbs which is fresh. The Herb in dried form can also be taken.
- SPICES: all the spices in dried form or fresh form and all other forms can be taken when a person is taking a proper diet.
- FRUITS: fresh fruits in dried or frozen or preserved form can be taken.
- VEGETABLES: any vegetable dried or frozen or in preserved form can be taken when you are on diet for the disease
- OILS AND FATS: diet includes intake of following oils and fats, avocado oil, butter, oils, solid fat, coconut oil, olives, and mushrooms.
- ANIMAL PRODUCTS: chicken, beef, dairy products, lamb, eggs, Turkey, prawns and all other kinds of seafood are included and diet.
- LEGUMES: peanuts, beans, lentils and soy protein, these are the legumes that can be taken when one is on a strict diet.
- NUTS AND SEEDS: following nuts and seeds can be taken when one is on diet, Almonds, cashew, Chia seeds, flax seeds, pecans and wallets
- MISCELLANEOUS DIET: you can eat all kinds of cereals, shakes, pasta and bakery items that don’t contain gluten component when you are on a diet for celiac disease. There is no restriction for eating bakery items unless they have a gluten component in them. You can enjoy all the bakery items and shakes as long as they do not contain gluten components.
Foods Not Included In Diet for Celiac Disease?
You should avoid the following foods when you are on a diet for celiac disease. As these food contain gluten component which is to be avoided when you are suffering from celiac disease because the gluten will trigger an immune reaction inside the body and the antigens antibodies complex will then destroy the small intestinal mucosa and produce symptoms of celiac disease.
- Wheat
- Rye
- Barley
- Oats
- Wheat bran
- Desserts
- Faring
- Pasta
- Cakes and cookies
- Snacks including chips
- Breadcrumbs
- Fried food containing gluten
- Syrup of brown rice
- Soy sauce
- Tempura
- Soup, stock, and broth
- Chips and ice-cream
- Frozen yogurt
- Margarine
- spices
Why Diet For Celiac Disease Is Recommended?
Diet for the disease Prevent diarrheal symptoms:
The main symptom of celiac disease is diarrhea and if you adhere to the diet, 90% of your symptom control will occur in the first two weeks of gluten-free diet. The diet for celiac disease will enhance the quality of your life and prevent the symptom of celiac disease which are diarrhea, gas, bloating, osteoporosis, and nutritional deficiencies. The symptoms of diarrhea are resolved after 2 weeks of diet for the disease.
Diet for the disease helps to prevent small intestinal damage:
The autoimmune reaction going on inside the body causes damage to the intestinal mucosa. The main site affected by the small intestine is the second part of the duodenum. There is atrophy of villi and hypertrophy of the crypts of the small intestine. It damages the small intestine and destroys its absorptive and capacity.
Diet for the disease Enhance absorption of nutrients:
As the small intestinal mucosa is destroyed as a result of celiac disease, the nutrients are not absorbed properly from the diet and there is a deficiency of iron, magnesium, calcium, proteins, albumin, riboflavin and hence the person suffering from a variety of symptoms. When the person is taking a strict diet for celiac disease it will decrease the damage to the small intestine and enhance the absorption capacity of the intestine and hence decrease the symptom the person is facing.
HP Thoughts: It’s time to discuss with you our top celiac diagnosis. Continue reading — Celiac Disease Diagnosis.
Diet for celiac disease is a diet that allows your Small intestinal mucosa to heal and reduces the symptoms of celiac disease and prevents complications. This diet when started controls the symptoms and protects you from being ill and improves the quality of your life but on another hand, this diet requires strict compliance and it is less flexible as one is not able to enjoy the foods of his choice. It is somewhat expensive because the gluten free diet is costly and causes an economic burden on a person taking diet for the disease.