Yellow Discharge from ear is most commonly ear wax. However, it may also include blood, clear or milky white liquid. It can also be a combination of these. Ear wax is yellow to orange-brown in color and is usually not a medical problem. Most of the time, any fluid coming out of the ear is the ear wax. A broken eardrum can cause a white, slightly bloody, or yellow discharge from the ear. Dry-crusty material on baby pillows is often a sign of broken earrings. Blood can also be released from the eardrum.
Ear wax is yellow to orange-brown in color and is usually not a medical problem. Other types of drainage, however, may indicate conditions that may require medical attention. Not in all cases but prepare yourself with the different types that are given below if you need to see a doctor.
Causes of yellow discharge from the ear
Some common causes of yellow discharge from ear may be:
Ruptured Eardrum
A broken earring is also called a perforated eardrum by medical professionals. To really understand what causes this condition, you must understand the function of the eardrum (also known as the tympanic membrane) and some of the physiology and anatomy of the inner ear. The eardrum is a thin membrane that separates the ear canal from the middle ear. The auditory tube (also called the eustachian tube) is a small tube that runs from the middle ear to the nose.

The auditory tube serves to clean the mucus from the inner ear, ventilate the middle ear, and equalize atmospheric pressure within the middle ear. This occurs from opening and closing at strategic times to allow ventilation of the middle ear. When the auditory tube fails to function properly (a condition called auditory tube dysfunction), pressure can build up within the middle ear, causing eruption or rupture of the eardrum.
As with any autoimmune disorder, the immune system in someone with psoriasis accidentally attacks healthy tissue in the same way that it would be a real threat, such as a virus. Researchers believe that this mess in the immune system is passed into genes, although having a genetic propensity for psoriasis is not guaranteed that it will develop. For the initial appearance of psoriasis – and for subsequent outbreaks to have flares – other factors must be present.
Pus or cloudy fluid
Ear pus or cloudy fluid can be a sign of ear infection in the ear canal or middle ear. An ear canal is a tube that connects the outer ear to the middle ear. An infection of the middle ear, which doctors may refer to as otitis media can cause fluid discharge from the ear. Ear infections can cause the eardrum to burst in about 10 percent of cases. A broken earring can also cause drainage from the ear. An ear infection can be caused by a cold, flu, or ear injury.
How to diagnose yellow discharge from the ear?
A doctor will use an otoscope, which is a light microscope, to examine the ear and try to identify the underlying cause of drainage. They can also use a pneumatic otoscope that produces a puff of air to show how the eardrum moves in response to pressure. Doing this shows whether fluid builds up behind the ear.
A test called tympanometry can help doctors test middle ear health. To perform this test, a doctor will insert a probe into the ear and evaluate how the middle ear reacts to different pressure levels. During an ear examination, doctors may also perform a hearing test or use a tuning fork to test hearing levels.
To help reduce ear pain, people can use a hot compress on their ear or take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen. A broken earring will often heal without treatment within a few weeks to 2 months. People can help with the healing process and prevent infection by keeping their ears dry and avoiding loud noises and physical knocks. If an eardrum does not heal by itself, surgery may be necessary to patch new skin above the hole. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of ear fluids.
The combination of a decongestant and an antihistamine can help reduce congestion. Doctors will often prescribe antibiotics for certain types of infections, which people may take by mouth or in the form of ear drops, depending on the location of the infection in the mouth.
If this treatment is not effective, doctors may place an ear tube through the middle ear to allow fluid to drain out normally.
People can take steps to care for their yellow discharge from the ear to help prevent conditions such as:
- Using earplugs on the swim to help keep water out and prevent infection
- Carefully drying them out of the ears after wetting them
- Avoid putting anything in the ear
HP Thoughts: Ear infections vary and they are stressful not only to your ears but also to your health! Here is an example of an ear ailment — Pus in Ear.
Most of the time, any fluid coming out of the ear is the ear wax. A broken eardrum can cause a white, slightly bloody, or yellow discharge from the ear. Dry-crusted material on baby pillows is often a sign of broken earrings. Blood can also be released from the eardrum. Ear wax is yellow to orange-brown in color and is usually not a medical problem. Doctors will often prescribe antibiotics for certain types of infections, which people may take by mouth or in the form of ear drops, depending on the location of the infection in the mouth.