Inverse Psoriasis

All About Inverse Psoriasis Causes, Symptoms & treatment

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease in which the skin cells multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. It is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks your own body. This uncontrolled growth of the skin cells makes the skin build up into bumpy red patches covered with white scales. This skin disease can’t transmit from person to person. Psoriasis has many types on the basis of the size, location, intensity, and nature of the lesions. Therefore, treatment varies from person to person according to the type of Psoriasis. One of the most important types of Psoriasis is Inverse psoriasis.

What Is Inverse Psoriasis?

Inverse psoriasis is also known as Intertriginous psoriasis in which red and inflamed lesions are formed in the skin folds of the body. Therefore, sometimes it is also known as Hidden Psoriasis. It is a skin condition in which lesions appear as red, shiny, and smooth in the skin folds of the body. Inverse psoriasis, the site, and location of the lessons set inverse as compare to the other types of Psoriasis. The favorite site of inverse psoriasis is breast, armpits, and genital regions. Researchers believed that only five to severe persons people are affected by this type of skin disorder. Obese people or the people who have deep skin folds are at high risk of getting this skin disorder because of larger skin areas.

The Common Causes of Inverse Psoriasis

Inverse psoriasis is just like the other autoimmune diseases in which the immune system of your body fights against your own body cells. Skin cells begin to multiply faster than normal. Moisture and sweating worsen this overproduction of skin cells. That’s a reason, this type of psoriasis mostly occurs in the skin folds.

Overweight people are at high risk of developing this psoriasis because extra body weight produces excess skin cells and deeper skin folds. Some people have genes in their inherit that cause psoriasis and symptoms begin to appear when they are exposed to some trigger.

Common trigger factors may include:

  • Sunburn
  • Scratches on skin
  • Stress, anxiety
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Obesity
  • Some medication like lithium and antimalarial tablets
  • Allergy
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Alcohol
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Weather changes

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Inverse Psoriasis?

Lesions in this type of Psoriasis appear as red, smooth, and shiny in the skin folds especially in the region of groin, buttocks, and breasts. These lesions do not have a scaly texture like the Plaque Psoriasis in which the lesions are red, scaly, and inflamed. It may cause itching, burning, and sexual discomfort due to these lesions in genital folds. Moisture and sweating trigger the symptoms of inverse psoriasis.

How It Can Be Treated Or Cured?

  1. General Care

    This skin disorder is curable. The first thing is to know about this inverse psoriasis is, to find out the cause of this lesion. Try to remove that triggering factor. If you’re overweight, try to lose your body weight. Keep your body clean especially the armpits and genital region. Don’t touch or pick the lesions. Take a healthy diet.

    Drink plenty of water. Keep your skin neat and clean. Use sunblock when you’re on go out. Wear loose clothes. If you’re sensitive to the allergen, cover your skin or use a mask. You may use powder to absorb the moisture in your skin folds region.

  2. Specific Care

    When the above-mentioned care fails to stop the lesions of Psoriasis then consult your skin specialist. Lots of topical and oral medications are given to the patients of inverse psoriasis to treat it. The main purpose of the treatment is to reduce the redness, inflammation, and itching sensation on your skin. Treatment varies from patient to patient, depending on the size, location, nature, appearance, and cause of the lesion.


Your doctor may prescribe you corticosteroids in the form of topical creams or tablets, on the basis of your skin condition and the intensity of the disease. Steroids reduce the inflammation, redness, and burning sensation on these lesions. The duration of these steroids tablets and creams are prescribed by your physician because it can worsen the disease if you use it in an improper way.


A good alternative to the steroid is phototherapy. It is a medical term for light therapy. A form of ultraviolet light called UVB rays are mostly used in this procedure that can effectively slow the growth of skin cells in some people with inverse psoriasis. Multiple sessions are planned for this phototherapy depending on the severity of the lesions.


As it is an autoimmune disease of skin cells in which cells grow in an uncontrolled fashion. Your doctor can recommend immune suppression drugs to stop or slow down the skin cell’s growth.

HP Thoughts: Here is another skin illness that you need to address immediately — Eczema Treatment.

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