Pregnant or not? When does pregnancy actually starts? When did pregnancy symptoms begin to appear in all the pregnant women? Pregnancy symptoms start after the 2 weeks of conception and continue up to the last trimester. Pregnancy period is measured on gestational age. Gestational age starts right after the last menstruation period (MNP). These Pregnancy symptoms week by week vary due to the fluctuations in the pregnancy hormones, internal changes in mother as well as changes in the baby. These symptoms are mild in the starting weeks and then become severe.

There are many chances of some symptoms to appear soon and disappear late, while some appeared late and disappear soon. That’s all symptoms are different in different women. These Early symptoms are the sign of being pregnant and are the physical changes in your body due to changes in the body temperature, blood circulation, hormones concentration, and plasma protein changes. These all are included in first trimester.
As the time passes out, baby grows, female feel more uncomfortable and disturbance in sleep due to the growth of the baby. During the second trimester, she feels more trouble than the first trimester and during the last trimester, she becomes more and more uncomfortable plus urges to deliver the baby. Some women depressed during the last trimester because of the fear of being delivered.
Women usually think that the pregnancy period is actually 9 months. But the pregnancy period is measured on gestational age. Gestational age starts after the last menstrual period. It means that after about 3-4 weeks, you’re actually pregnant.
It becomes extremely important for a woman to monitor her health and the health of the baby. To make sure that everything is fine with the child, it is worth taking a unity blood test.
The pregnancy period contains almost 36 to 40 weeks, and that’s how you can calculate that the pregnancy period is about 10 months from LMP. You can estimate your due date simply by using the pregnancy due date calculator.
Pregnancy symptoms week by week become more prominent since conception. Briefly, some symptoms are discussed during some weeks.
They include:
1- Pregnancy Symptoms At First 3 weeks
In the first week you will feel cramping, mood swings, bleeding and sore breasts etc. 2nd week is the week when fertilization occurs after your mature egg is released by your ovary. It would cause some lower abdominal pain. You may feel slippery discharge that resembles to the white egg. Your basal body temperature would also raise.
In the 3rd week of pregnancy after the fertilization of ovum and sperm, your body starts to speak up that you are going to be a mommy. Some symptoms are:
- Implantation Bleeding
As the fertilized ovum being to borrows into the wall of the uterus, light spotting occurs which can misunderstand the women with her normal menstrual cycle. How to recognize the implantation bleeding and normal periods bleeding?
Implantation bleeding has episodes of colors. These episodes are of pink, red and brown color.
After that you would feel pain. Not confirm about the degree of pain. It can be light, moderate or severe too. There are many women who feel different levels of pain.
Bleeding is just like menstrual bleeding and will stay there for less likely 3 days.
Nausea, with or without vomiting
Nausea is a common symptom but literally, the most annoying one. Hormones fluctuations or progesterone hormone surge that may be associated with or without the vomiting. Women become more sensitive for the smells, dust, allergy or such irritating smells that stimulate or trigger nausea. It becomes hardly to eat something their most favorite thing in this period. They skip their meals. Nausea mostly occurs in the morning. If it is severe than usual, consult your physicians as soon as possible.
What is the size of your baby?
The fertilized ovum in your body is very small and actually looks more like a group of cells than a baby. It could be seen by the naked eye if it were not inside your body or placed outside. Moreover, it is the size of the head of a pin and almost .0019 inches.
2- Pregnancy Symptoms At 6 weeks
Missed period
Once implantation is complete, your body will begin producing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone helps the body maintain the pregnancy. It also tells the ovaries to stop releasing mature eggs each month. That’s why,
“Missed Period is a traditionally accepted hint for being pregnant which is confirmed by a urine pregnancy test later on.”
But it is not so true, because there may be any irregularity in menstruation due to multiple reasons like a cyst, stress, anxiety, malnourished, etc. Therefore, some time periods are delayed whom women considered the pregnancy. For this, you should must go for the checkup.
Positive blood pregnancy test
This one is the most solid proof of pregnancy news. Mostly women go for this right after they missed their periods. Blood tests can detect smaller amounts of hCG than urine pregnancy tests. Thus, you may find out that you are pregnant or not sooner with the blood tests than you would with an at-home test.
In some conditions like if you are at the risk for miscarriage, placental abruption, or ectopic pregnancy, your physician can ask you to come for a blood draw or blood test.
Breast Changes
Like other body changes, your boobs can start to get sore under the action of progesterone or estrogen hormones. Your nipples may darken more than usual as your body starts prepping to make milk.
You are so drained that your body get tired because your body is still not used to the change in hormones. Pregnancy hormones put you more sleep and drowsy.
Nausea may be associated with vomiting or not, a common facing complaint during this time. But such morning sickness doesn’t just happen in the morning but can happen at any time which is stimulated.
Sore breasts
Breast is swollen and tender during 6 weeks of pregnancy under the action of the hormones released by the mother as well as my baby.
Frequent urination
Increased urination is also a common sign which becomes more common due to intake filtration. Frequent urination is the most important symptom which appears at the 9th week of gestation because uterus size increases and the baby grow properly which causes the pressure on uterus. It makes your bladder always full and it causes in frequent urination.
Gas and bloating
Constipation, gas, bloating, abdominal cramps are commonly seen complaints during pregnancy.
If all these symptoms are not showing up in this week, don’t worry. These sign will going to be show up in the upcoming weeks.
3- Pregnancy Symptoms At 9 weeks
There are many symptoms that present at the 9 weeks of pregnancy specifically. You and your baby are going through the many changes in the body due to the production of the hormones.
Nausea with or without vomit
At 9 weeks the level of human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone increases so u might be feeling more nauseous muddy and tired. It may be associated with vomiting or maybe not.
Weight gain
You are unlikely to be looked pregnant at 9 weeks because there are few body changes at 9 weeks. But some physical changes visible at the 9 weeks is weight gain.
Morning sickness
Many women experience the bout of nausea and vomiting which is called morning sickness during any time day or night it begins at 6 the week of pregnancy, peaks at 9 weeks and disappear at 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Breast Tenderness
Breast tenderness at 9 the week is more significant. The most common cause of Breast tenderness before the period may be fluctuating the level of hormone. During this period estrogen and progesterone level changes which cause the dull and coarse pain in Breast at 9 the week of pregnancy.
Frequent urination
Frequent urination is the most important symptom which appears at the 9th week of gestation because uterus size increases and the baby grow properly which causes the pressure symptoms. The uterus causes pressure on the bladder which increases the frequency of urination.
Extra Saliva
Another unusual symptom is extra saliva in your mouth, which sometimes lasts until the end of the first trimester.
Food Cravings
Calories intake increases in pregnancy because the baby grows in the mother’s womb and the baby takes nutrition from the mother. Therefore, the mother eats too much to full fill the requirements of herself and baby. So food craving increases in pregnancy which also results in weight gain at 9 weeks of pregnancy.
4- Pregnancy Symptoms At 12 weeks
Entering into the 12th week of pregnancy when your baby has reached the size of an apricot. Some of the symptoms that you have been experiencing before may persist as u can still feel being queasy, anorexia, burping, but symptoms specific to this week can include:
Weight gain, skin hyper pigmentation, known as melasma, darker areolas around the nipple
tender or sore breasts, Food aversions, Fatigue, Dizzy spells, Increased urination. They are described below
Dizziness can be the result of Low blood pressure or Low blood sugar. So to explain the underlying physiology to low blood pressure we have progesterone the key regulator here, which causes your blood vessels to relax and widen around 12 weeks pregnant, increasing the flow of blood to your baby, but slowing the return of blood to mother since every organ’s blood supply is being slowed including the brain. This contributes to that light-headed, dizzy feeling.
Skin Changes
Are you glowing mama? Or spots start to occur on your face? This is a different situation in different women. Some mommy have a more glowing skin than first and some got dark spots in these months.
The hormonal surge during pregnancy leads to dark spots formation and over dark skin tone and especially acne during pregnancy, But the process will gradually reverse after pregnancy and melasma will disappear
Breast Changes
Tenderness and soreness in the breast are usual symptoms that will be encountered. To combat these:
- Cold packs can be used
- Wearing a loose bra.
Areola Changes
Areola; the skin around nipples, turns darker as are the other parts of the body especially cheeks and forehead
Food aversion
Human chorionic gonadotrophins the hormone which can be really fruitful for your baby’s brain but can make you feel nauseous all the time.
Pregnancy cramps
As your baby is growing, it cause aches and cramping around your abdomen and stomach. This round ligament pain can be mildly uncomfortable or cringingly painful.
A clear discharge (leukorrhea) in your underwear signals that your body is attempting to clear bacteria. A clear white discharge starts to come out from your vagina.
5- Pregnancy Symptoms At 15 weeks
Pregnancy symptoms week by week diminishes or becomes more severe. These all are due to hormonal changes produced by the mother as well as by the fetus.
Epistaxis or nosebleeds symptom becomes evident at 15 weeks of pregnancy. It is due to a combination of the increased blood volume and sensitive nasal passages. This is not necessary to happen with all women. Almost 30% women face this symptom.
Swollen gums
When you are pregnant, Your gums are more swollen and sensitive now. You must take care of them by doing a brush daily. Also, go to a nearby good dentist for regular checkups.
Increase Baby Size
In the 15 weeks, the size of the baby is as big as a navel orange. The average 15-week baby weighs around 2.5 ounces and measures 4 inches.
Increased Sex Drive
15 weeks is almost a 4th month, this is the time when your body gets used to the body changes and your energy back now. You feel more energetic and well, there is no nausea this week. If you’re not up to sex, it’s completely understandable
6- Pregnancy Symptoms At 18 weeks
Here are the pregnancy symptoms of 18 weeks in a future mom’s
Swollen hands or feet
It is a very common pregnancy symptom seen in pregnant women mostly obese women. This swelling can be an annoying or disgusting pregnancy symptom. But it is common. If it is mild, don’t be upset. If swelling becomes sudden or severe, call your physician as soon as possible because it may be a sign of underlying pathology like edema, kidney malfunctioning, etc.
Sometimes this swelling got stick to some women even after pregnancy.
Varicose veins
Varicose veins are visible purple or blue veins in the legs that are swollen due to the extra pressure developed by the circulatory system. To cope with this, change your posture, do exercises as much as you can, and avoid tight shoes and clothes.
Sleeping difficulty
As you are moving on, your baby growing more. You are feeling more and more uncomfortable during sleep. Sometime cramps, nausea don’t let you sleep comfirtably.
Baby Movements
Baby kick is a pregnancy symptoms week by week getting stronger. Whether you have twins, triplets, or a single baby, you feel the more precise and definitive sensation of baby movements.
Baby’s size at 18 Weeks
At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is as big as an artichoke. Baby measures about 5.6 inches long and weighs about 6.7 ounces now. The baby keeps growing quickly, as the pregnancy is moving ahead. As the baby grows, you need extra energy or food to nourish the fetus and you feel more hungry.
Backache, very common pregnancy symptoms week by week getting stronger because your baby is putting a lot of the pressure on your body insides and causing more aches and the pains in your back.
Frequently asked questions
Q1: Can you feel pregnant after 2 days?
After 2 days of unprotected intercourse, you might feel nausea, vomiting, or burning sensation because of the sex-related changes and hormones. You can feel the pregnancy changes when the beta hCG hormone is produced by the attached ovum.
Q2: How soon you can get symptoms of pregnancy?
Pregnancy changes begin to appear after one or two weeks when fertilized ovum has attached to the uterine wall. You can get symptoms or can feel pregnancy changes after the HCG hormone is produced.
Q3. What can be the first symptom of pregnancy?
There can be many options. Someone can get first symptom like dizziness, vomit, or some one can feel the first symptom of breast soreness and tender.
Q4: Can you consume alcohol or marijuana while pregnant?
NO! If you believe you may be pregnant or know you are pregnant, you should avoid these sorts of substances. As explained on CannabisSensei.com, marijuana use has not been proven to be safe for mothers to use during pregnancy or even while breastfeeding.
Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms a Checklist