Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms a Checklist

14 Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms a Checklist

Worried About Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Worried about either u r pregnant or not? Want to know it as early as u can? Tried a home pregnancy test? It requires you to wait at least one week after your first missed period to confirm whether or not you are pregnant. Here we are to tell you some secret unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist that may mean that you are pregnant.

Mostly, hormonal changes start right after conception. But, about 90 percent of women experience some symptoms of pregnancy by their eighth week. Symptoms may vary from woman to woman. Just keep it in my mind, every woman is blessed by the sixth sense. Either you are blessing or not this sense hits in when you are pregnant and don’t really know about it yet. Just listen to your body what your body says.

Physical changes due to hormonal changes are the signs of something happening in your body. Many early signs of pregnancy may appear similar to the regular premenstrual discomfort. You must consult your physician about your symptoms and book visits to ensure the mother and child’s health.

Weird Early Pregnancy Symptoms checklist

Here are some unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist that can make you believe that something else is going on but don’t be panic.

  1. Raised basal body temperature

Early in the morning after you wake up your body temperature is your oral temperature. This temperature rises slightly immediately after ovulation and remains at that level until your next period. If you are raising your basal body temperature to determine when you ovulate, then continuing it for more than two weeks may mean that you are pregnant.

  1. Missed Period

Perhaps the most obvious early symptom of pregnancy is when you miss your period. This potential sign of pregnancy is often the main reason that forces women to search for more information about other pregnancy symptoms. Some women may only experience very mild periods of time compared to their normal days. You may not experience any of the pregnancy signs listed below until you miss your menstrual cycle. Might be possible you are having these symptoms right now.

  1. Dizziness

unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist

Looks like the earth is spinning? Early in pregnancy, women feel that they are prone to heatstroke and dizziness. It is due to pregnancy that your blood pressure is reduced and your blood vessels become weak which makes you feel dizzy.

  1. Constipation

Another unusual early pregnancy symptoms are that you may experience constipation. Your pregnancy can slow down your digestive system. This is necessary to ensure that your little one has time to soak up the nutrients he/she needs but this can make you feel bloated and unable to go to the toilet. Adding more fiber to your diet can help things naturally.

  1. Diarrhea

This is the most horrible symptom of pregnancy, having stomach cramps, and diarrhea. In this situation avoid spicy, high-fat, and high-fiber food and fizzy drinks, and make sure you drink enough water. Just go to consult a doctor which is the best option.

  1. Discharge from your body

During pregnancy many women experience vaginal discharge, it is often not associated with pregnancy. But most pregnant women discharge sticky, white, or pale yellow mucus in the first trimester and during their pregnancy.

Increased hormones cause the discharge of the vaginal bloodstream. It grows during pregnancy to prevent infections as your cervix and lady parts wall softens. Consult with your doctor when discharge starts to:

  • Smell
  • Burn
  • Itching
  • Turns greenish-yellow
  • Becomes too thick or watery

These may be signs of an infection.

  1. Constant Hunger

If you are the type of person who is usually disciplined after breakfast and then all of a sudden, you find yourself constantly dipping your hand in a cookie jar, check yourself out! Constant hunger is one of the early signs of pregnancy. This may fade away your sleep and fear of being bulky will make you restless.

  1. Insomnia

Although dreaming may not be out of the ‘normal’ for some people, it is normal for your sleep to be disrupted in the very early stages of pregnancy. These vivid dreams usually continue during the first trimester. The reason is hormonal changes, occur in your body affect your neurological system.

  1. Uncontrolled Oversleeping/Tiredness

Tiredness and oversleeping have become the most popular sign of pregnancy. You feel constantly tired, want to sleep as soon as you wake up. You may feel that you have done full home tasks while you were just sitting on the sofa all day dipping your hands in the cooking jar.

  1. Fake Periods

You may have cramps in your belly feeling like having periods of pain. But actually, there would be not even a single spot. Sometimes you may have a little bit of vaginal bleeding. This is common. Make sure to consult your doctor if this slightly bleeding converts into the heavy one.

  1. Itching

What to say? Itching. Yes – some women start feeling tingling and itching especially around your breasts and abdominal area. It is also due to increased blood flow and changes in hormones. This may cause cellulite and stretch marks on your body.

  1. Brittle Nails, Hair, Breakouts, and change in Skin Complexion

Whoever said that being pregnant requires tracking down and right with an automatic pregnancy glow? Yes, some women are lucky to experience the glow of pregnancy in early pregnancy. Others, such as themself, are not so lucky.

  1. Breast Soreness/Tenderness

Some women may have enlarged breasts and enlarged areola size due to hormonal changes. Breasts may also become sore and tender. An increase in the size of breasts also shows an increase in milk production in breasts. Prolactin, estrogen, and progesterone hormones are mainly responsible for breast-related physical changes. Nipples become enlarged and more prominent.

  1. Frequent Urination

Most of the pregnant women complain of frequent urination. Worry out, If you go more for a pee. Actually, your expanding womb due to a ground fetus puts pressure on your bladder that insists you frequently go for a pee.

unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist

Many women present with the complaint of frequent urination with the fear of diabetes-mellitus. Don’t worry this is just one of the unusual early symptoms of pregnancy.

The Final Word

It is not necessary that you may have above mentioned unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist contains. Just listen to your body what your body is saying. Just go and see your doctor. Maybe it is the right time to have a pregnancy test.

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