Pregnant Belly

Pregnant Belly Examination With Best Diet and Exercise


To assess the pregnancy and forget the woman is going a multidisciplinary approach is required. The signs and symptom physical examination of women and laboratory testing helps to diagnose the condition of women. The physician use all the tools to detect the pregnant belly and also exclude the required pathologies at the initial stages of pregnancy so as to lessen the complications. It is done to protect the mother and the baby at the same time and letting the women enjoy a healthy pregnancy


The signs and symptoms of women may be improved and analyzed on the basis of the physical examination of women and the history she is giving. It is crucial to ask her about the last menstrual cycle so as to obtain the expected date of delivery. The women should tell about how good her menstrual cycle is as an irregular menstrual cycle may not have the correct prediction of an expected date of delivery. This will ultimately compromise the health of the baby and mother. There should be an evaluation of women and usually, a 12-week evaluation is efficient. There is a variety of test which help the doctors to see how good the mother is going with a pregnant belly.

The woman feels nausea, vomiting, increased or decreased appetite, Gastrointestinal tract disturbances, muscular skeleton pain lower back ache abnormal abdominal pain, urinary tract infections, fever, and flu. These are common and women having a pregnant belly may seem to be suffering from this condition.


Physical examination of the pregnant belly is very important as it is routine in antenatal care of women and also will help to diagnose the diseases at early stages. You may ask about the pain and areas of tenderness that the woman is suffering. Whenever you are doing the physical examination of the belly, it is done in a semi-recumbent position and the woman is made to lay comfortable on a bed or on the couch.

In the later weeks of pregnancy, women should never lie completely flat and the position of her should be semi-prone or left lateral position so as to avoid the compression of the aortocaval system. The women should be exposed from breast to symphysis fundal and you need to check for the shape of the uterus and look for any fetal movements.

The stretch marks are the signs of pregnancy which are Striae gravidarum may be seen on the faint brown line running from the umbilicus to symphysis pubis which is Linea nigra can be seen.  You may also check for the scars which may be around the right iliac fossa, right upper quadrant, or the suprapubic region.


  • Beta HCG

Currently, 4 main hCG studies are used: (1) ELISA, (2), fluorine immune assay(3) radioimmunoassay, and (4)  immunoradiometric analysis. The examination of Beta HCG is very important as the antibiotics against isotope is detectable in a very less amount of women after conception and only e 98% of patients I have raised level on 11th day. With a pregnant belly of 4 weeks, hCG doubles. amount of HCG rises to a pregnancy of 10-12 weeks and then begins to decrease and then the beta HCG gradually increases on the 22nd week of gestation and continues to increase further.

  • Progesterone Levels

They are very important to assess the women in the state of pregnancy. Progesterone is a hormone that is produced from the Corpus luteum and is said to maintain the pregnancy and if the level of progesterone falls the woman may lose her pregnancy. The progesterone level test is really a low price test and it can predict the well-being of pregnancy.

  • Maternal Weight and Height

The measurement of the weight and height of women is very important to identify women who are overweight or underweight. Women having a high BMI that is more than 20 are a higher risk of fetal restriction of growth and increased mortality. In women who have a BMI of more than 30, there is an increased risk of hypertension gestational diabetes. Also if a woman is obese it is very difficult for the obstetrician to assess the palpation and ultrasound assessment of the fetus. Obesity is associated with a high risk of death and women.


Most women in early pregnancy with even small pregnant bellies have an increased appetite, requiring about 300 calories per day. Gastric movement is reduced, probably due to decreased motilin production. The low incidence of peptic ulcer disease is due to decreased gastric acid secretion. Long transit times throughout the colon have also been reported, with the gastric-to-cecal transition occurring at approximately 58 hours instead of 52 hours.

Women with pregnant belly should eat a high amount of fiber so as to improve gastric health. Diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables should be provided to the woman as that is a good source of nutrition for both the mother and baby. She should be told to move around after eating something. Various multivitamins are given to women so as to fulfill the nutrient requirements. A woman should add folic acid in her diet so as to decrease the risk of neural tube defects in the baby.


Regular exercise with a pregnant belly is believed to not only improve or maintain fitness, but also help control weight, reduce gestational diabetes, and increase the euphoria of obese women. The goal of training in pregnancy is to perform moderate-intensity exercises every day for most of the week, for at least 20-30 minutes a day. Although some pre-existing conditions, such as chronic bronchitis and heavy smoking, require caution in increasing activity, most pregnant women can benefit from their activity or remain active.

One should avoid touching sports such as boxing and high risk of falling sports (such as downhill skiing). Overheating must be avoided. Hot yoga and Pilates are not recommended. Walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, and Pilates are suitable for pregnancy. Running is safe during pregnancy, racket training, and strength training, especially if done regularly before pregnancy.

You should try to walk around the home slowly and not do strenuous work but should maintain an optimal amount of exercise.


Pregnancy tests can be done in several ways. Women may have a similar history of menstrual blood and the results of physical examination and correction during pregnancy. Most women are suffering from anemia and abortion currently.

Women who are at elevated risk or those who complain of pain in their pregnant belly or per vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy are more likely to be analyzed with ultrasonography and additional hormone studies.

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