Second trimester pregnancy

Second Trimester Pregnancy: Baby Development & Things to Avoid

When does second trimester pregnancy start, morning sickness and fatigue that has pained you during the last three months should fade away, leaving you feeling more energetic and again like your old self. The second trimester, for many women, is the easiest three months of pregnancy. Take time now, while you are feeling better and your energy is increasing, start planning your baby’s arrival.

During the second trimester (complete guide), your baby is growing quickly. The second trimester begins between the 18th and 22nd weeks of your pregnancy; you will have an ultrasound so that your doctor can see how your baby is progressing. You can also know the sex of your child unless you are surprised. For many mothers, the second trimester is the most enjoyable and relaxing phase of pregnancy.

You are now at the sweet spot where your morning sickness is most likely to disappear, and your baby bump is not big enough to cause any pain or cause pain. There may be some discomfort, however, with the most common culprits often being dizzy spells and round muscle pain. With any luck, the burst of energy during this quarter can compensate for these pesky symptoms. Meanwhile, your little one continues to grow and develop at a constant pace.

When does second trimester pregnancy start?

The second trimester lasts from 14 to 27 weeks of pregnancy, 14 weeks, or approximately three and a half months.

Choices and decisions in the second trimester pregnancy

You will be offered a blood test and your second ultrasound scan in about 20 weeks. This scan looks at how the baby is growing and whether there are any reasons for concern. If you haven’t already thought about it, this is a good time to think about where and how you want to take your child. From home birth to hospital birth, you may have to make a decision. If all of this sounds a little scary, don’t worry. Your midwife will be there to assist you and tell you what your choice is. You’ll go from beginner to expert in just a few weeks!

Your Baby’s Development in the Second Trimester

When does second trimester pregnancy start, your baby’s development continues on the foundation laid in the first-trimester Pregnancy? A cauliflower the size of a cabbage becomes smaller than you, and this growth will rapidly become more visible to the outside world as your stomach becomes more prominent. Each week of pregnancy brings something new; Here are some of the highlights:

14 Weeks: Sucking and Swallowing

When you become 14 weeks pregnant, your little one can start practicing sucking and swallowing movements, possibly sucking that thumb in the coming weeks!

16 Weeks: Baby on the Go

When you are 16 to 18 weeks pregnant, or shortly thereafter, you may feel a small tremor in your abdomen, as if you move a little or get swept away in the amniotic sac. If this is your first pregnancy, you may take longer to detect movement sensations. You will probably notice your baby’s kick and the movements have been going strong for about 19 weeks. Your child is growing, but still has plenty of room to move, which is a good thing because it gets a bit tighter during the third quarter.

17 Weeks: Your Baby Gets a Waxy Coating

The glands in your baby’s skin may already produce a greasy substance called vernix. It will cover your small body and act as a skin-protecting waterproof inhibitor.

22 Weeks: Your Baby Has Eyebrows

Those little browns are now visible: little tufts of short hair, no pigment yet. Although your baby’s eyelids are still closed for a few weeks, his eyes can now go behind the eyelids.

23 Weeks: Your Baby Responds to Sounds

With his ears fully developed, your baby may move, if he hears your voice or a loud voice, he may respond by shaking. This is an excellent time for your child to start singing and playing music – and don’t forget to talk to him and tell him what you’re doing.

27 Weeks: Your Baby May Smile

Your baby’s first smile can now be any day, as babies often start practicing from around 27 weeks inside the womb. A smile usually occurs when your baby is sleeping, often during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

What’s Going On in the Second Trimester?

It is not just your child who is busy! You also have a full schedule. At about halfway through your pregnancy – about 20 weeks – you will have an ultrasound scan to check your baby’s health. If you are not already, make this appointment with your healthcare provider. Spoiler Alert: If you want, you can also check your child’s gender during this scan.

Are you considering having a gender reveal party? If yes, then check out our guide to manifesting a great penis. This will make your stomach and breasts develop evenly. You may soon need to go to maternity wear or extra comfortable pants and tops; Don’t be surprised if you don’t need to go up the cup size. It might be a good idea to fit professionally to wear a supportive, comfortable bra. If your breasts are painful, read more on how to reduce breast discomfort and consult your healthcare provider.

During the second trimester, you may experience an extra burst of energy, which you can use to start or continue your exercise routine. Although you may want to get your doctor checked first, walking, swimming, and some prenatal yoga may be good options for pregnancy. You can also use this time to prepare nurseries, buy all the things you need for your child, and prepare things around the house.

Things to do in the second trimester pregnancy:

  1. Go to the doctor
  2. to undergo a second quarter test
  3. Get vaccinated against the flu
  4. Get vaccinated against the flu
  5. Eat a balanced diet
  6. Eat frequent and small meals
  7. Take pregnancy vitamins
  8. Check your weight
  9. Be Physically Active
  10. Talk to your child
  11. Try to get a good sleep
  12. Renovate Your Wardrobe
  13. Use anti-stretch mark cream
  14. Spend more time with your family
  15. Allow yourself to relax and travel

Things to avoid in the second trimester pregnancy

1. Don’t take medications without consulting your doctor

When does second trimester pregnancy start, many medications can easily pass through the placenta into your baby’s bloodstream? Therefore, before taking any medicine, you need to make sure that it is safe and consult your doctor.

2. Don’t let stress into your life

Even one of the happiest periods in your life can be complicated and stressful. Of course, hormonal changes can often affect your feelings and reactions; You may also face difficult situations, but you should try to keep stress to a minimum. Learn breathing and relaxation techniques. Try to focus on something pleasant (for example, thinking about your child), share your feelings with your relatives and your doctor, and learn to control your feelings and thoughts. Remember to eat healthily and exercise regularly.

3. Don’t lie on your back for a long time

In the second trimester, expectant mothers are warned to avoid lying on their backs for long periods. The uterus is already large enough and can put pressure on the spine and major blood vessels in the area. By squeezing such an important vessel, the inferior vena cava automatically reduces blood flow to the heart. This can cause discomfort to the child because even the smallest will not get enough oxygen from the mother.

Try to lie more to your left: This position is considered the most favorable. Your child will help you find a comfortable position – just pay attention to his or her reactions.

4. Don’t wear high heels

As your pregnancy progresses, you will have to drop heels. First, it’s important to you: your spine adapts to ever-increasing pressure, and uncomfortable shoes make it worse, change the support point of the entire body, and affect the ligaments of the ankle joint. In addition, wearing stiletto heels can change the position of the uterus, which would be inconvenient for the baby. If you are not ready to completely forget about your favorite shoes, try to choose those with a stable, wide heel that is no more than 2 (5 cm).

5. Don’t participate in dangerous sports

You already know about the benefits of an active lifestyle during pregnancy, but you need to know where to draw the line. Do not end your body with intense and consistent training. Such stress can disrupt the blood flow to the placenta and reduce the oxygen supply to your baby. During pregnancy, you should also skip high-risk sports that can cause trauma to your abdomen.

6. Don’t consume too much caffeine

Caffeine can pass through the placenta to the baby and increase his heart rate. Therefore, pregnant women are advised not to drink more than 1-2 cups of coffee a day.

7. Don’t drink alcohol

Alcohol easily passes through the placental barrier in the baby’s bloodstream. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can disrupt the intellectual and psychological development of the child, as it primarily affects brain structures, and it increases the risk of premature birth.

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