You have changed a lot in the last few weeks – but most people will not notice anything, because all the action is going on inside your stomach. You may have a little bloated, but still no child. If you are getting symptoms like morning sickness, it seems so unfair that there is nothing to show for it! Your breasts may be slightly swollen but it will take a few more weeks before you can actually become pregnant.
Many women try to take out their stomachs in front of the mirror to see what they will see in a few months. Have fun – this is part of the relationship with your 8-week pregnancy bump!
What’s happening in the body in the 8 week pregnancy bump?
Now you can remember your second period, although pregnancy hormones can make you feel like you’ve got premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Inside you, big things are happening. Your baby is growing very fast and now looks almost human. The baby is still very happy in its protective amniotic sac and gets all its nutrition from a yolk sac, but the placenta is getting ready to work, providing nutrients and oxygen and taking away the waste is. As part of the acquisition process, your placenta is sprouting small branches that will enable it to attach to your womb wall.
8 Weeks Pregnant Belly
wonder if your stomach is the right size at this stage? at 8 weeks pregnant, it is normal to show a little, but not to show too! this is because every mother and child are different. know that inside your 8-week pregnant belly, your uterus is expanding, but some people take longer to show it outside. if, say, you are 8 weeks pregnant with twins, then it may be easier to tell you that it is easier to tell than what a singleton mom is expecting at this point.

starting in the second trimester, your ob will start measuring your pregnant belly, but for now, it doesn’t really matter. a healthy weight gain in the first trimester is about one to two pounds each week, so at 8 weeks pregnant, you may gain from 4 to 6 pounds. if you’re working with morning sickness, you might not get anything – and that’s fine. if you have any concerns about your weight or stomach size, tell your doctor.
Symptoms at 8 week pregnancy Bump
- Wondering what smells? Maybe, anything and everything. Your hormones are doing some wild things in an 8-week pregnancy bump, which makes you feel like a supernatural-smelling and flip-flops your stomach. At eight weeks of pregnancy, there are a host of pregnancy symptoms you may experience, (we should not get started on those wacky pregnancy dreams!) Including:
- A metallic taste in your mouth
- Sore throat
- Morning sickness
- Headache
- Mood swings
- New likes and dislikes for food and drinks – any fancy cakes with chutney? You can read our advice about bizarre pregnancies here
- A heightened sense of smell
- A milky white pregnancy discharge from your vagina
- Mild spotting (see your doctor if you have bleeding in pregnancy)
- Spasms, period pain
- Brown skin or brown spots on your face
- Thick and shinier hair
- Feeling bloated and bloated
If you are not getting any symptoms, you may be one of the lucky ones! Some women see symptoms of pregnancy for barely a full nine months. Every year in the UK, around 320 women are born without pregnancy. If you are 8 weeks pregnant with twins, you may feel extra tired and nauseous, as you have likely received high levels of pregnancy hormones – those who need to have two children.
Remember: If you’re feeling nausea, extra hungry, or extra tired, it’s all because the baby’s growth is overdose – and because your body still has adjustments for all those hormonal changes. Try to remind yourself it will be worth it. (Especially once you arrive in the second trimester when most moms bounce back and feel more energetic).
Also know that no signs of pregnancy are completely normal at 8 weeks. If you’re not feeling very isolated yet, don’t worry. We promise – you will soon!
What does my baby look like?
Your baby is now about 16 mm tall from head to bottom, which is about the size of a raspberry- By next week, they will be twice the size!
Baby’s Got Lips, Nose, and Eyelids
What else is changing in an 8-week pregnant bump? A closer view of your small fetus shows that your baby looks like a very small snake and very much a baby: even though her hands, feet, little fingers and toes are just falling apart, and she has a tail almost gone. You will see the protruding tip of that pretty buttoned nose and the short, very thin eyelids, forming an upper lip.
Heartbeats and Movements
All this growing up is also exciting for your child. how do you know? His heart beats at an incredible rate of 150 to 170 times per minute – almost twice as fast as yours. And even though you can’t yet feel it, she is now making spontaneous movements as she rotates her small trunk and limb buds. Your baby pigs are also growing up. The amount of amniotic fluid is increasing and your womb is expanding to accommodate its growing tenant.
Tips for You This Week
Handle Headaches
There may be new aches and pains over the neck with your expanding belly. Your blood volume will only decrease by 50 percent, which can cause headaches (along with pregnancy hormones). Got one? Talk to your doctor about aspirin or ibuprofen for baby’s safe acetaminophen.
Start Doing Squats
It may be a good idea to add the squat to your exercise mix. Doing them makes your thighs strong and toned; during delivery, they can help the baby get down. Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds and repeat five times.
Slather on the SPF
Outside, cursed place! For many people, an increase in hormones during pregnancy can cause melasma or dark spots on the skin or face. This means that your skin freckles and mole may look darker, possibly a dark line under your abdomen and your holes may shed deeper. You are not alone – this condition affects 50 to 75 percent of expected mothers. You can avoid melasma by applying sunscreen with SPF 30 to 50 when you are outside.
Keep Track of Your Weight
Gaining slowly does not mean that you will get the same benefits throughout your 40 weeks. But there is a pattern you should aim for. In your first quarter, you probably won’t gain more than three or four pounds; And if you suffer from morning sickness, you may not benefit. As you head into the second quarter and then into your third, your weight should accelerate (though not too much speed).
Plan to put on an average of pounds each week through eight or eight to 20 or 28 pounds. (Weekly gains will vary, and as long as they average about one pound, you’re on target.) Once you reach the homestretch in month nine, your child gains with enthusiasm. Will continue, while your chances will be quite slow; you will probably be tallying about two to three pounds in the ninth month and may also lose in the days before delivery.
Ease Into Exercise
If you haven’t worked in a while, don’t start with a bang. Overdosing can cause you to get hurt, nausea, more heat, and just plain tiredness – plus, it will make you more likely to quit when you’re just getting started. Now, ease of exercise; Start with a mild five-minute warm-up, followed by a five-minute hard work out and a five-minute cold down. Then increase the strenuous segment by five minutes every week until you hit 30 minutes.
Eat Foods You Can Stomach
It is not easy to deal with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy – but it is especially difficult when you are eager to start feeding yourself and your baby well. Don’t worry. As challenged as your tender first-trimester hunger is, it is still up to the challenge of meeting your child’s nutritional needs (since they are a bit bigger than peas right now, they are much smaller needs Are, too). Meanwhile, if a big meal is a big change, eat at least six small but nutrient-filled mini-meals and snacks throughout the day.
Not only will a mini-meal be easy for your stomach… um… but it is the best way to empty it to keep your stomach a little full. Right now, pay attention to foods that you find less invasive (even if it’s crackers, crackers, and more crackers), choosing a healthier option whenever your stomach doesn’t resist (those crackers make whole grains, And serve with a slice of light cheddar)). And don’t forget to tap into the soothing power of ginger!
Choose Healthy Carbs
Has the word “carb” become a four-letter character in your diet plan? Redefine it by choosing healthy complex carbohydrates that nourish your baby and meet your energy needs. Check out this list of healthy carb options that reads like a roster of a nutritional all-star team (not the Krispy Kreme in sight): fresh fruit; Dried and freeze-dried fruits; fresh vegetables; Whole grain bread, crackers, and cereals; Baked Potatoes (with skins on); Dried beans and peas.
Pregnancy Checklist at 8 Weeks Pregnant
Schedule your 12-week prenatal visit
Decide whether to undergo CVS test Think
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