Scintillating Scotoma

What Is Scintillating Scotoma? All Details

Scintillating scotoma starts as a spot of sparkling light in the field of vision. This spot prevents vision within the scotoma area. It affects both eyes. The affected area gets flickered by it but not dark. It then expands in the outward direction from the starting point. The scotoma area expands to one half of the visual area.


A scotoma is a blind spot that blocks vision. Scintillating scotomas are daze spots that flash and falter between light and dull. They are temporary and indicates a non-healthy condition. They appear as a spot in your vision. They look like dust and dirt in your eye but actually, they are not.
There is not any kind of problem with it. You may feel some headache or might be possible no headache overall. It can occur due to a migraine. Glaucoma or multiple sclerosis (MS) is also related to it. MS occurs due to inflammation and inflammation can occur in scintillation scotoma.

Why it occurs?

There can be many reasons for the scintillating scotomas. Because it is an abnormal electrical activity moving through the brain. These electrical impulses may be related to high blood pressure and inflammation. They can also be related to hormonal changes. In this way, it occurs due to depression.

Not only depression there are many underlying health conditions that are responsible for scintillating scotomas, such as

How to treat Scintillating scotomas?

Mostly, there is no need for any kind of treatment because it gets resolve within an hour.

Following are some steps that you can follow in order to get relief from it.

  • Lay down comfortably by closing your eyes.
  • Drink water, take a pain reliever i.e, ibuprofen.
  • Take a rest.

In case you’ve got side effects of scotomas frequently due to headache or another basic health condition, your specialist may recommend treatment alternatives. These alternatives may incorporate:

  • anti-epileptic medication, to treat neurological symptoms
  • antidepressants, to level serotonin levels to lower migraine risk
  • beta-blockers, to relax blood vessels

Any risk for scintillating scotomas?

Some people may be more at risk of developing scintillating scotoma symptoms. People:

  • having migraine
  • having a mental health condition, depression, etc
  • with high blood pressure
  • facing stress and anxiety

Serious Condition

There is no need to get worried if there is any kind of visual disturbance. It will resolve on its own.

But if you are pregnant. Don’t take it nonserious. Run to your doctor and seek treatment for it. Because, if it occurs during pregnancy, it can because of some hormonal changes which are dangerous.

However, there are some symptoms that ask you to go and seek medical attention. These symptoms are:

How long it lasts?

It does not stay for long. It lasts only for 20-30 minutes and then goes away.

Why are you seeing zig-zags in your vision?

Zig-zags in vision are known as kaleidoscope vision. A common cause of kaleidoscopic vision is a visual migraine. It is also known as an ocular or ophthalmic migraine. They occur due to the scintillating scotomas.
HP Thoughts: Your eyes are telling you something if it swells up, itch, or droop. Just learn to read the signs and you’re able to find a cure for any of these ailments. However, if you’re pregnant, there are some eye symptoms that you might think are fatal. Read our post discussing one such anomaly — Eye Twitching Pregnancy.


Scintillating scotomas are guests for some time. It means that they will go away after some time. It can occur due to any kind of weakness or some times too much load. They don’t ask you for any treatment. So, don’t worry. Just lay down by closing your eyes leaving behind all the worries and just relax. Taking rest will resolve this issue.

But if you are pregnant don’t take it easy. Run to your doctor. However, there are some other reasons too which require you for a medical appointment such as migraine, or if you feel numbness, severe headache attack, etc.

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