Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Yeast Infection During Pregnancy; All Details

What is a Yeast Infection?

Yeast infection is actually a type of fungus which overgrows. It actually happens when the normal level of acid and yeast in the female Part is out of balance, which allows the yeast to overgrow causing an uncomfortable infection which is called a yeast infection. Chances of yeast infection during pregnancy are higher than normal women.

Causes Of Yeast Infection

Vulvovaginal candidiasis, or moniliasis, is a yeast infection of the vulva and female part. It can cause because of the Candida albicans, but other types of yeast Candida glabrata and  Candida tropicalis can also cause it.

Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

If you are a woman, then you must face this issue once in your life. But do you know there are more chances of yeast infection during pregnancy? Yeast Infection is caused by the overgrowth of normal fungus.

Almost one-third of all women carry normal fungus in their private part and both men and women carry it in their digestive tracts. But there are more chances of yeast infection during pregnancy.

Why it frequently happens in pregnant women?

Because during pregnancy estrogen increases, and increased estrogen can throw off the normal balance of yeast and bacteria in your private part. In this way, yeast can overgrow.

  • Hormonal changes that come with pregnancy or before your period
  • Taking hormones or birth control pills
  • Taking antibiotics or steroids
  • High blood sugar, as in diabetes
  • Vaginal intercourse
  • Douching
  • Blood or semen
  • Change in pH level due to hormonal change

How severe it can be?

In nonpregnant women, there is no need of too much worry about it, as it is not dangerous for them. It can simply be cured by medicines.

But in pregnant women, it can be dangerous for the little baby in the womb. It will not affect the mother but while giving birth to the baby this infection can impact the pamper area or mouth of the baby. This infection can be dangerous for the baby as the immune system of the baby is not so strong to fight against infections or diseases.

Symptoms of yeast infection

There are many symptoms of yeast infection such as,

  • itching in vagina and vulva
  • white vaginal discharge
  • soreness in private part
  • the burnt sensation during urination
  • a rash on the vulva and the skin around it, which sometimes appears on the groin and thighs as well


You can keep yourself safe and sound by following some little tips

  • keep your female area dry
  • wear loose panties of cotton cloth
  • always wipe from front to back after using the restroom
  • Shower immediately after you swim
  • don’t use douches and Female Part sprays for fragrance
  • use of sanitary pads and tampons that contain deodorant should be avoided
  • don’t take a bubble bath/use scented soaps
  • stop the use of colored or perfumed toilet paper
  • Include yogurt with “lactobacillus acidophilus” in your diet.

Some precautionary measures are:

Limit sugar intake, as sugar promotes the growth of yeast. Get plenty of rest to make it easier for your body to fight infections.

Surety of yeast infection

Your doctor will ask about all the symptoms and will do s physical lab test. He will use a simple, painless swab to remove the discharge or vaginal secretions and examine it through a microscope. Usually, upon a simple examination of the female Part, a physician can diagnose a yeast infection. In rare cases, the culture may be sent to a lab. Cultures help them rule out other types of yeast, such as C. glabrata and C. tropicalis.

Treatment of yeast infection

Medications for treating yeast infections are available as creams, ointments or suppositories which include:

    • Clotrimazole (Mycelex, Lotrimin AF)

Women can use these products at any point during pregnancy and don’t take a risk of birth defects or other pregnancy complications. For best results, choose a seven-day formula. Oral medication isn’t recommended if you’re pregnant.

Some commonly prescribed antifungals, such as fluconazole (Diflucan) should be avoided, especially during the first trimester. If you see a doctor about your yeast infection and are very early in your pregnancy, make sure to tell the doctor that you think you’re pregnant.

Call your doctor

If you are experiencing the symptoms of yeast infection, call your doctor now. Yeast infections have similar symptoms of other infections, such as STDs. If you experience these symptoms is vital for the most effective, immediate treatment, or your condition may worsen.
If you see no improvement within three days, or if symptoms worsen or come back after treatment, you should contact your healthcare provider again.

HP Thoughts: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Learn some measures to avoid pregnancy problems and alleviate them immediately — How To Prevent Birth Related Injuries?

Frequently asked questions

Can a yeast infection cause a miscarriage?

The medication of Yeast Infection can Cause Miscarriage. It is a common gynecologic malady affecting many women, especially those who are pregnant. The results from a recent study found that a common yeast infection medication is linked to miscarriage

What can I take for yeast infection while pregnant?

Vaginal medicines should be used for yeast infection treatment. These may be vaginal creams or suppositories. You can’t take oral medicines without asking the doctors.

What happens if a yeast infection goes untreated during pregnancy?

If it would not be treated, it can occur in the mouth of the baby and this situation is called thrush. It is usually treated with Nystatin. It will take 14-15 days to clear up the infection while you are pregnant.

Will yeast infection go away on OWN?

Yes, a mild yeast infection can go on its own. But most of the time it needs treatment, especially in pregnant women.

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